Park Rules
The rules apply to ALL occupants. No one is exempt.
This is an adult only RV community. Must be age 30 or older.
RV Neds to be 10 years or younger. If RV is older than 10 years - the resort owners will decide if allowed in, to keep the resort very nice looking. Must show us a picture if older than 10 years.
Background checks performed on all RV-ers.
In order to do our best to ensure our guests are living in a safe environment, it is the policy of 4 Rivers Hideaway to conduct a criminal background check on all tenants. Tenants will need to provide their valid drivers licenses.
All tenants must have their own insurance on their RV. 4 Rivers Hideaway is not responsible for any damages to your RV. Example: A tree limb falls on your RV, etc. If you ever notice a dangerous risk problem - let us know, and we will try to resolve it.
No more than 2 vehicles are permitted per RV – ONLY exception is when a guest is visiting or work vehicle. Have to park your vehicle off the road for others to get by. No big trailers.
If you have weekend guests for visit - you must let owners know who's here. We have a great neighborhood crime watch out here! No guests left unattended at any time. They are your responsibility and need to follow all the resort rules also.
Weekends are the only time children are allowed to visit. With the exception of major holidays.
Do not share gate code with guests or anyone! Meet them at the gate to let them in. Same for ordering food delivered - meet them at the gate to pick up.
Gate Code is for RV'ers ONLY
Dog Policy:
Aggressive dogs are not allowed on site. The park owners of 4 Rivers Hideaway will decide if the dog is aggressive. All dogs should be on a leash, except when they are in the designated dog park with owner, at your RV site only WITH YOU & you are keeping them by your side at ALL times, and NEVER left unattended, inside or outside of dog park.
If you have your dog on tether, you need to keep a close eye on them. Never leave your pets outside when your gone from resort.
We have cattle, horses, and lots of wildlife close by on our ranch. We have a 2 dog/pet max per RV and all dogs/pets must be registered with the office! That is so if anything ever gets loose or out accidentally, we’ll know who it belongs to so we can get it safely back to you.
No guests visiting RVers are allowed to bring their pets with them. Only registered, paid RV-ers dogs are allowed. Each RV-er MUST clean up after their own dogs’s waste. It’s easy to clean up poop with empty plastic bag. Put your dogs waste in appropriate trash cans in dog park, or outside park trash cans, or dumpster. NEVER put your dogs waste in ANY of the pavilion building trash cans. No one wants to smell pet poop while in pavillion.
All dogs must have current rabies shot. Turn copy of shot into office.
You are allowed a chicken coop with chickens - but no free ranging chickens. No more than 12 chickens per RV site.
No pets allowed in the office, kitchen, laundry room, restroom, or upstairs loft lounge.
Pavilion, Commons area:
You are allowed a garden at your site. Be aware wildlife critters may enjoy, too!
Please clean up your mess after using kitchen, laundry, bathroom, pavilion & loft area at all times.
Put all your personal trash from your RV in the resort dumpster. Please keep the dumpster doors closed after put trash in so critters can’t get into it! Do not leave trash or trash bags around your RV at all! Lots of wildlife critters at night around here!
Keep your RV in good condition. If it needs repairs - fix them. Sometimes unforeseen circumstances causes delay on repairs - we understand & appreciate if you discuss with us situation.
If your RV gets a sewer leak - you must fix ASAP.
No excessive use of water. May water plants - & some grass & garden. Not for washing your vehicles - take to a car wash if you need to wash your vehicle.
The speed limit is 5 MPH
No firearms of any kind are allowed outside of your RV for casual shooting.
Absolutely NO fireworks at any time. Due to fire hazard and scares ranch animals!
Must stay within the 12 acres fenced for resort. Do not enter the Shinn Ranch gates unless invited by owner at the time.
Keep your site tidy and clean. Stored items need to be concealed under your RV. True outdoor patio furniture only outside your RV. No clothes lines, no tents, no window unit air conditioners outside of your RV. No appliances outside of your RV, like fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, etc.
Window Coverings must be professional in appearance (no cardboard, wood, tin foil in windows)
Awnings must be in good condition, free of rips and shredding.
This is to keep our resort high end & looking fabulous!
Porches can be built with resort owner approval. Portable sheds can be added with resort owner approval & placed by tree line. Owners want sheds to be grey color if you can get one. See thru fence can be added for dog with resort owner approval. RV-er still needs to keep pet poop picked up in their fenced area also so won’ stink.
Gazebos may be added to your site as long as portable, not permanent for property tax purposes. Also fire rings & chimineas allowed.
Check with office before adding anything to your site. We know where the under ground lines are.
Each RV-er is responsible for weed eating directly against their RV as needed. We provide a battery operated weed eater & string. Please put battery on charger when needed. We provide battery chain saw & leaf blower also for y'alls use if need. Also basic tools all at pavilion - plus push mower & gas if you need.
I mow all the big areas with zero turn - but don't want to get to close yo y'alls RV's or vehicles or move y'alls lawn furniture. I try to always blow away from y'alls belongings when do get close.
Never puncture the ground with anything without notifying the office first. We know where all the underground lines are. Also please check with owners before adding anything big to your site.
Quiet hours are 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM. No loud music or profanity at any time.
Please be considerate & respectful of other RV-ers & share bathroom and shower & laundry room times considerately. And clean up kitchen after use!
Smoking is not allowed in the pavilion commons building, office, laundry room, restroom or upstairs loft lounge at all!
If you smoke, please do not throw your cigarette butts on the park grounds ANYWHERE, including at your own site. I don't like picking up cigarette butts on the ground! That is no different than trash. Please let's all work together to keep this place fabulous for us all.
We have so much pride in our resort & want to keep it gorgeous.
You are welcome to use the Shinn Ranch address to have mail delivered here. I will deliver the mail daily to y'all down there. It would be great if you would designate a specific place for me to put your mail so I don't have to knock on y'alls door. A mailbox or any kind of container safe from rain would be fine. Just let me know designated place.
attn: Name, Site #
10359 HWY 34 South
Quinlan, TX 75474
Same address as above. Specify for them to leave in big green metal box by big SHINN RANCH sign & gate. Y'all are welcome to check the green box yourself when they notify you, your shipment has come. I check also.